At about midnight, Gully would walk out of that bar from across the street either drunk as shit, high as this night’s sky, or both. Vreign and his accomplices had been watching his every movement for about two months now. They had to be sure that this was his regular schedule. Walk in about nine, like he was some big shot, which in all honesty he probably was. He’d get drunk, talk big talks, boasting about all the hard shit he’d done, like killing an Inquisitor, if that was even possible. Then proceeded to blow wads of cash on hard liquor and declare “Drinks on me.” Vreign plans to put an end to that tonight and if he doesn’t, that would mean his death.
The rain flitted down from dark gray skies that plunged the city into murk. Muddy water flowed through the streets making it impossible not to get water in your shoes. The only source of light that broke the darkness came from the kerosine lamps lit inside the establishments and the ones on their table.
“Time is it?” Asked Korvan.
“Eleven fifty-seven, not much longer now,” said Clade.
“Anticipation’s killin me,”
“Just stay calm,” said Vreign.
“Sorry, it’s just that, I’ve never done this before. Worse at a time like this. Some dark deed we’re bout to commit tonight.”
“You two just do your part, I’ll be the one to take him out.” If he doesn’t freeze up and get all three of them killed instead.
“It shouldn’t be that hard,” said Clade, “it’s three against one.”
“Considering he has more experience,” said Korvan, “I’d say he has us beat.”
“Just a bunch of noise,” said Vreign.”
“Look there he go right there.”
A man hobbled out of the pub, hand on the wall, and took a few steps before throwing up on it to be washed away by the rain. He hacked and coughed up all he had and moved on. The red hat he wore was unmistakable. It was Gully.
Clade and Korvan got up, gestured to Vreign their goodbyes, and went their separate ways. Seeing that Gully was now a good way down the street, Vreign followed from far behind.
Tiny drops of rain pricked his head and shoulders, soaking his hair and face as it streamed down the inside of his clothes leaving him soaked wet. Another day this would have annoyed him but when money was on the line you tend to ignore inconveniences like these.
He kept his gaze on his target’s silhouette, careful not to lose it. He wished he was proficient at sensing souls like Clade, but every time he tried they’d glimpse into his sixth sense and leave as soon as it came. So his best bet was to use the sense he was already good at using. His sight.
Lightning flashed revealing dark outlines, and for what seemed like a blink of an eye, one appeared hovering over a rooftop to then disappear into the blackness that reigned again. It was either Korvan or Clade following close by hopping from building to building.
Gully was still up ahead, hunched over, and moving as quick as his drunkenness could bring him. He followed him down public streets where the police went on patrol on horseback or foot. They took him for some drunk fool and kept pushing. Some worthless bastards they turned out to be, didn’t even realize they walked past a wanted criminal. But perhaps he had to give them leeway, their whole organization was quite new to the city. He followed Gully down his usual route until he finally came down the way he wanted him. The street they were on was now empty and he turned down a dark alleyway from prying eyes and the light from houses.
He picked up the pace and ran straight for him. Lightning flashed again revealing Korvan and Clade landing right in Gully’s path. Vreign pulled out his knife ready to close in for the kill when Gully stood straight up. Vreign stopped abruptly.
“You kids take me for some fool or something?” Gully said as he turned sideways to get a glance of us. “Ain’t even old enough take a swig a alcohol, yet you three want’n take a swing at me.” Gully pulled out a gun and a machete from his cloak. Vreign moved in, a shot fired and he ducked under it. He stabbed after Gully when he swung his machete, Vreign blocked with his dagger, making their steel ring when Clade came up to Gully from behind. Vreign was shoved on his back. He looked to see Clade clutching his hand, Korvan exchanging steel with Gully and their steel scraped and clanged until Korvan became content to stay back. Vreign got to his feet, pulled out another dagger now clutching both real tight. The three teens bent their knees slightly encircling Gully round and round watching out for even the slightest flinch.
A scar ran down Gully’s face adding to his already hardened and unsatisfied look. Korvan was beginning to wonder if this was even worth it now. No, there’s no more room for doubt this is it they’ve made their decision. He’s seen their face and from the looks of things has memorized their souls. They couldn’t give up here even if they wanted to.
“Guy’s he’s hardened his skin somehow,” said Clade.
“You three are still green,” Gully said, “but there’s potential. How about this, you three come work for us and I’ll let you live.
“Why the hell would we work for you,” Korvan said “You guys are just a piece of shit.”
“Then why the hell are you three here? Its to get the bounty on my head. Why would three teens need to kill for money, because there isn’t shit else you can do.”
“I’d rather kill you for money than become some criminal,” Vreign said
“Well, aren’t you just the best of us? There’s a reason why Bounty Hunters don’t live long. Your wasting all that talent on-”
Korvan and Clade rushed him all at once and the exchange began anew. Their machetes swung and whirred filling the alleyway with their clamor. Vreign tore a piece of his soul and imbued it into his daggers and use the remainder to amplify his strength. Vreign sank both knives into Gully’s back to the hilt. His opponent grunted and gurgled when a machete came out of the back of his throat. His body slackened and Vreign shoved him to the ground. Who? He looked up to see Korvan still with his blade and Clade without. Guess that was the end of that. Not as bad as he thought it would be but it had some effort. They stood there in silence for a while over Gully's dead body until all Vreign could say was “shit.”